Following my previous article, 2021, A Fork In The Road: Next Steps For Those Who Have Chosen The Organic Timeline, I’m going to present tools and steps that we can each take to support our exit of the hijacked Matrix and move into manifestation of the Organic Timeline. I’ll present these in two parts, the physical and the energetic (metaphysical), simply for greater ease of understanding and application. Many of you will probably see the physical points as basic common sense, but due to the baffling degree to which common sense has been eradicated in the general public globally (because of heavy mind control programming), these points do need to be spelled out. With the current rollout of the gene modification injection agenda, many people are worried following reports that vak^sin@ated people are affecting those unvak#sin$ated around them by what is suggested could be bodily transference of a bio&wea-pon within the jab, see This video. Also see page 45 of this John Hopkins Bloomberg Report studying the exact technology termed ‘self spreading vak#sines’.
Good news is that we divine insouled human beings are master creators, ultimately more powerful than whatever they throw at us. We have merely been under a lengthy amnesia. So the following tools, when practiced daily and with empowerment, can provide the antidote to all dark magic weaponry, including the bodily transference situation.
- Connect with the natural universe on a daily basis, meditate, communicate with and receive knowledge from earth mother, sun father and the natural elements; this is the key for locking into the organic timeline and also working to co-create it. Earth’s original races all know this. Ground and walk barefoot on the earth where possible, walk in a forest, swim or wet your feet in the ocean, get sun on your bare skin for at least 20 minutes a day, spend time gardening, connect with animals. Take time out from phones, computers and other devices. All great ways to practice this.
- Drinking and bathing in quality water is of prime importance! The public municipal water supply systems in most countries are filled with toxins, everything from heavy metals to BPA, glyphosate, PFOA’s, hormones, synthetic parasites and pathogens, pharmaceutical drugs, Nano tech, and in some countries, fluoride derived from industrial waste. If you have land with access to a clean running spring, this is the best water you could ask for. I personally drink filtered and structured water as the specific technology renders it closest to pure running spring water as possible. For those needing recommendations, here is the company I use, whose products are the best I’ve come across in my research, offering everything from whole house to farm/agriculture to hand held, See here. For budget purposes or if not wanting to install a whole system, a handheld water pitcher See here (US based, ships international), or See here (NZ based) can be used in conjunction with the handheld water structurer above. Additionally I use this shower filter, See here.
- You are what you eat. Eating a base diet of as many whole organic foods, as close to source as possible, no matter what diet style you subscribe to. This equally applies to vegan/vegetarian, pescatarian or omnivore. Grow a garden if you can, become a member of an organic community garden, source and support local farmers, fishermen and growers where possible so you can have access to the highest quality food available. Additionally, check out these resources: Eat Wild directory, Seafood Watch, Organic Consumers Association, and Fair World Project. Start to practice sacred eating, blessing your food or energetically connecting to it before you consume it. The Ho’oponopono technique is a beautiful example of this.
- Supplement with some highest quality vitamins, minerals and superfoods. Unfortunately due to industrialised agriculture and chem trails, most of our soil has been greatly depleted of it’s mineral and nutritional content. For this reason it is recommended to keep a few good supplements in your tool kit. Since no two people are the same and bio-individuality is key, I would recommend if you can get to a good functional medicine doctor, naturopath or alternative holisitic practitioner and be tested for what your body is requiring and most aligned with, this is ideal. I list a few of my favourites here: Alternately, if you’re generally healthy and just want to add basic supplements to your regimen, I list a few of my favourites on the same page above. At this time and particularly with the bio&weapon aspect, immune building and pathogen detoxing are key! See specifically Nano Soma (updated information, July 2022), Cell Core (updated information, July 2024), Root Brands (updated information, July 2022), Superfeast tonic herbs and mycellum, and Bio Superfood (The Algae Answer). Also recommended is to test your iodine levels, as many people are deficient and this is a critical mineral. During winter seasons, incremental dosing of high quality Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Quercitin are beneficial.
- Gentle detoxing of the body on a regular basis is highly important, as we are being bombarded with environmental and energetic toxins at this time, in addition to purging old traumas and wounding. There are all manner of fantastic products and protocols out there. Refer to the above ‘kim recommends’ page which lists a few of my top internal detoxing supplements, with specific focus on heavy metals, parasites and radiation, including: Nano Soma (the most gentle and an all rounder), Cell Core (the most advanced in parasite removal), Root Brands ‘Clean Slate’ and ‘Trilogy’ products, and Bio Superfood. Green smoothies or juices are excellent, include cilantro, parsley, kale or spinach, with lemon juice and/or peel. Regular detoxing baths or foot baths are excellent, where possible. See here for some natural detox bath recipes, you can also use 1 cup of Borax with a few drops of favourite essential oil. If you don’t have a bath, rubbing sea salt, epsom salts or Borax on your body while in the shower is also effective. Dry brushing with a quality body brush is wonderful for the lymphatic system. If you want to take it to the next level, full spectrum Infra Red Saunas are very powerful, See here (US based) or See here (Australasia based). Alternately find a local spa who offer these sauna treatments. Ozone Therapy is another way to kill/detox pathogens and really boost the immune system.
- Invest in quality EMF protection. Contrary to what the mainstream media and telecommunications companies are saying, we are being bombarded with dangerously high levels of EMF radiation. Tens of thousands of 5G towers have been erected at light speed all over the world (often disguised as part of the landscape), while thousands of satellites have been launched in space with many thousands more already approved. The end goal is to bombard every square millimetre of the biosphere’s surface. As I’ve written about before, NONE of this technology has been safety tested by the ones who are rolling it out. Furthermore, 5G at certain frequencies is a weaponry system that some factions are already implementing, watch this Documentary. Concurrently, due to Co@v4id people are spending more time on devices than ever before. This all culminates in a toxic cocktail for human beings, animals and the entire natural world. Governments have known for decades about the health impacts of wireless technology but hidden the information, See here. Many studies now support the connection between all manner of illnesses and non ionizing EMF radiation exposure, including those respiratory illnesses being lumped under the Cor*ona#vi$rus umbrella. See here for more information. Ultimately, we will use trauma healing, frequency, intent, Natural Law and sovereignty to transcend the weaponised biosphere and create new systems outside of it. Meanwhile there are tools to assist with mitigation. I’ve shared these before, but my top three thoroughly tested and vetted products/companies for EMF radiation protection are listed at the top of my recommendations page. If you scroll down the page, you’ll find some highest quality blue light blocking glasses (that I myself wear) Here at Vibes Up you can find some of the best Earthing and EMF protection mats, along with a few of my favourite body care products.
- Minimise toxins in personal care and household products, these are as damaging as eating toxic food. Skin Deep by US based ‘Environmental Working Group’ is an incredible resource and database for safety in a huge range of personal care and household products. Here are just a few more of my recommended products; TruEnergy skincare, Caudalie skincare, Tarte Cosmetics, Miracle Soap, Branch Basics US, Prana Therapy NZ, Borax and Baking Soda are both all round cleaning agents, Green Pan, Sleep on Latex bedding (US based), Peace Lily Latex bedding (Australasia based), and if you live somewhere where the air quality is particularly bad or your home measures higher for pollutants, Air Doctor.
- Exercise regularly and get quality sleep where possible! These both go without saying, nonetheless.. Get the heart rate up for one hour, at minimum three times per week. Fast walking (especially in nature) is amazing, swimming, yoga, dancing, sports, basically any exercise that lights you up and you have fun with. Breath work is another practice that has come into greater popularity over recent years. It is certainly a wonderful calming, healing and detoxifying tool, and also falls under the energetic category. Sleep in a darkened room without any devices or television present. Avoid metal bed frames or bases. Try to be off your phone, tablet or computer at least 30 mins – 1 hour before bedtime. If you can turn off your wifi router at night, better still. The more difficult but best option of all is to go back to ethernet hard wired internet, where possible. If your home has a smart meter, get it replaced by an older analog version. Americans, check out Scientists for Wired Technology for more information and calls to action.
- Laugh and find joy in life! Hug and express love with your family, friends and loved ones, exactly the opposite to what the Co#v^id psy-op narrative is telling you to do. Being in fear heavily depletes the immune system, while being in joy and expressing and receiving love greatly builds it. This is paramount to our human lives!
- Turn off your tv and stop tuning into mainstream media programming, the news and other mind control programs.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla
We live in a universe of light, where frequency, light (within a grand spectrum), love, sound and the word are all building blocks. Within our universe’s expansion there have been many fractalisations, as I wrote about in more detail in my last article. Our earth is a fractalised version of the universe, and we human beings are yet further fractalisations, so we are essentially mini universes. This knowledge has purposefully been hidden from us. More on that later. Everything in this universe has its own unique vibrational frequency. The slower a frequency, the more dense it appears. Because we have ventured as far outward as possible in the expansion, the frequency is slowest and reality is more dense in this dimension of reality. So matter is really frequencies vibrating at a certain speed to appear solid. This also relates to thought patterns and emotions, ie the heavier the thought/emotion, the slower the vibration. Further to this, our unique frequency of perception of electro-magnetic waves defines what we can and cannot see within the visible spectrum of light. As covered in my last article, we are currently entering an evolutionary leap, where our earth, sun and galaxy have completed their journey outward and will now make the return back home toward source, to organic timeline reality, shedding the synthetic matrix(es) while integrating all of the lessons. Many of us have incarnated at this time to return home alongside earth.
It is important to state that while taking care of our physical bodies and using quality ‘fuel’ to get the best output goes without saying, the doorway to this transformation/returning home is only accessed by going within and working with our energy bodies, the heart as the central point (not the ‘heart chakra’ overlay, the real heart). This is where all true wisdom and power lies. Think of it simply as dialling into the source-field. Now back to the point of human beings as mini universes. Our mind and body is a replica of the universe, with our energetic heart as the central power point. “The heart’s electromagnetic frequency arcs out from the energetic heart. “Discover the Laws of Creation in the holographic universe; knowing ‘self’ is the starting point for all knowledge; learn how to heal with zero point energy.” Dr Ilija Lakicevic, inventor of the Omnia Radiation Balancer and the 5G Bioshield. So if we human beings are actually mini universes, imagine the level of creative power available to us? It’s no wonder the involutionary force have worked SO hard over the ages to keep humanity dumbed down and to keep this knowledge hidden from us. In truth, we humans when acting from the Kryst (true word for Christ) consciousness, ARE the actual translation of the second coming of Christ. We have the power to completely heal ourselves, physically, emotionally and mentally, to tune in and work with our earth mother and sun father to in turn completely heal earth and our environment, to create magic and to completely transform reality. And the time is now!
How do we do this? Although the journey is intricate, challenging, and there are many layers involved, it’s ultimately simple to get started. We need to go within and access our heart intelligence, rebuild our connection with nature, heal and transmute our trauma/rebalancing the divine feminine with the divine masculine, activate our DNA via the light codes coming in through our sun, and fully step into our Sovereignty. Stepping into our Sovereignty means fully realising our personal responsibility for our lives as master creators. It means acknowledging we made agreements to participate in ALL of this, because of the magnitude of learning and growth involved. It also means acknowledging we have the power to change reality. And it means standing for what is right and true in our hearts, no matter who or what we are challenged by in our outer reality. For when we commit to this action in our lives, we WILL be ultimately guided and protected by a higher power.
There are a myriad of different tools available to assist us on the healing and trauma release path, and on exiting the matrix. I’ll offer some of my favourites, but as always, go with what works for you.
- I’ll reiterate the first point from above, connect with the natural universe on a daily basis. Walk on the bare earth and connect with her rhythm. Spend time with the sun on your bare skin and absorb the dna-altering light codes now coming in. Go a little deeper and start building a communication rapport, try energetically speaking to animals, insects and the plant kingdom and listen for what comes. You may be surprised at what you discover and learn!
- Practice meditating, focused on your energetic heart centre. There are as many styles of meditation as there are meditators at this point, so it’s about finding what works for you in any given moment. I’ve found that over the years I’ve changed methods and styles many times over. While sitting meditations are great, sometimes you need to lie down, and other times you may get more from an active or walking meditation. There is no rule book, flow where your body and soul resonate. The important thing is to take time to still the mind, connect into the heart and see where that takes you. Once we observe ourselves beyond human thinking, we find answers to everything. We enter the source-field of pure potential where feelings and sensations expand in an infinite sphere beyond who we are in physicality. I no longer subscribe to any of the mainstream chakra work or kundalini meditations, as from my perspective and discovery they are part of the false light matrix, but ultimately that is your own Sovereign choice to make. Dr Joe Dispenza has some wonderful work (especially the earlier variety). While his later work is intermingled with what I call the false light matrix aspects, I have practiced some of his meditations by simply bringing the protocols back to the heart and ignoring the chakra or kundalini based aspects. Dr Alex Lloyd’s Master Key offers healing frequencies, using words, phrases, images and sound waves to help counter resistant energies and bring the body back into balance.
- Heal your physical, emotional, spiritual and soul trauma and integrate your shadow side. About the most important action we can take at this juncture. It is our trauma body and unintegrated shadow that keeps us connected to the matrix(es) and also open to dark attacks/weaponry. While this was an important and agreed upon part of our cosmic journey thus far, it is now time to integrate the lessons, heal and move on. What is the shadow side? Our darker and often hidden side, expressing energies such as fear, terror, guilt, shame, depression, rage, violence, narcissism and egotism. The trauma body and shadow are resultant from all manner of events that have occurred in our current life, our past lives, tracing back through the journey of fractalisation, and due to genetic manipulation by the malevolent gods over the past many thousand years. How to heal and integrate? The most simple way to start is by going into the heart and loving every part of yourself. When the shadow side rears itself, instead of resisting, allow it to come up and give it as much love and compassion as you can. This way you will slowly move through and eventually release it, which is a crucial part of the process. For deeper practitioner based work I recommend some favourite healing modalities on my website Kim Recommends page. Biomagnetism is listed as one of the modalities, note that it’s purpose is to offer rebalancing in the physical body rather than the energetic. Specifically helpful with the bio$wea$ponry aspect of what we are currently dealing with. I also personally offer health and transformational coaching along with quantum energy healing utilising the fantastic Healy device. Contact me to learn more or schedule a session. The EES system (updated information, July 2022) on my recommendations page has had profound results with healing all manner of physical imbalances.
- Ancient civilizations the world over have known of the power of sound, light, frequency and vibration for thousands of years, using them for example to heal, to reprogram DNA, to alter 3D reality, and for levitating and transporting heavy materials. See here. The Math as Medicine site of vocal profiling pioneer Sharry Edwards offers powerful sound and tone frequency healing. She even has frequencies for symptoms of what they are calling Co%vi^d. On David Sereda’s site he offers 432 scale healing frequencies (ie perfect harmony) that work on many different aspects. Some other Light Therapy and Sound Therapy options for working with all manner of physical and emotional malady.
- Crystals offer a wonderful aide to us on this journey when we connect to them energetically, communicate, and program them correctly. Upon attaining new crystals always leave them outside in the sun or rain for a couple of days before wearing or beginning work with them. Check in with your body before you purchase any crystal to make sure it aligns with you, as you would be surprised how many don’t.
- I created a free downloadable e-book, The Rainbow Spinning Torus Field Activation, which is another wonderful tool you can practice daily for purification and strengthening your protective field.
- I have recommended George Kavassilas’ work before but I feel it requires another mention. I see him as one of the few true spiritual pioneers on our planet. Warning: only for those who are ready to go very deep and to face some triggering truths.
- Find community with ‘like’ beings, even if you’re only a few. We need to be with our tribe in these most testing of times. Further to that, small group intention and reality management meditations are more powerful than we know. I have lead a group in this style of work since Co$vid hit the Western world over a year ago, and had some illuminating results. Check out Lynne McTaggart’s work to learn some basics and the science behind it. This is how we begin creating reality within the organic timeline, then under Universal Law/Lore, we must follow through with physical action. This is the next step for aligned community to move into.
In summary, we must accept that we chose to incarnate on earth at this volatile and incredibly transformative time. Contrary to what the involutionary force have mind-controlled the general populace to believe, WE are the master creators we have been waiting for. The saviour meme, be it a human saviour, a spirit, or in the form of medical scientism, is just another trap. And believe me their traps are getting highly sophisticated! So are you going to get off the wheel and make a start today? Focus on your heart and look within, and you will find you have ALL the tools and answers available to exit the hijacked matrix and return home.
Finally, I also have a Telegram channel where I post semi-frequently, you can join here: Caveat, this channel is only for those who have already been red-pilled, or are on the cusp and just need a little push!