The Importance of Inner Work

The Importance of Inner Work

We hear the term Inner Work tossed around a lot in spiritual circles and literature, but what does it actually mean? Sans exact definition, what it refers to is the study of or reflection on the inner self, in order to create desired healing and change in one’s reality. The work is multifaceted and you can approach it using a number of different practices such as directed meditation, journalling, breath work and rebirthing, mirroring, shadow work, biofield and aura work, and utilising various hypnosis based and quantum healing methods. Ultimately, inner work reflects the journey of self love and self mastery. More on that later..

This article follows on from the last one, Sovereignty or Slavery, The Choice is Ours and The Time is Now, where the importance of personal sovereignty was discussed relative to the times we’re in. For those who have chosen the organic timeline and to exit the multi-dimensional false light matrix as a fully integrated being, inner work is of equal importance to reclaiming sovereignty, and I’ll go so far as to say that these are the two most important aspects we should be focused on in our lives at this juncture. If you’re reading this article I’ll assume you’re at least awake to the fact that something very big is going on in our reality. However, being aware of a great change is just one part of the equation, we must do the self work if we want to stay afloat upon that wave of change.

Why are these two aspects of such great importance? A multi-dimensional situation requires a multi-dimensional answer. As I have referred to in previous articles and as many other sources have revealed, including indigenous and ancient texts, we are in ‘end times’ of multiple cycles in our solar system/galaxy/region of the universe. These cycles range from thousands of years to many millions of years (an eon) long. With the closing out of such cycles the opportunity of an evolutionary leap or shift exists for those who are ready and who choose the path. At this juncture it means returning home to the natural universe as fully integrated beings, accompanying earth mother (Gaia/Sophia) as she too is making the shift. Note, this has not been done before! For those who aren’t ready and/or don’t choose this path, it is said they will move to other arenas to continue their experiential journey within various layers of the matrix, but that is outside of today’s topic. Confused as to which choice you’re aligned with and require a little guidance? The most simple way to find out is to take some quiet time alone, ground in to mother earth energetically, and put your hands on your heart centre. Once you feel centred and still, ask your heart to reveal what your oversoul has chosen. The answer will definitely follow, even if it takes a little time… be patient with yourself and trust. All choices are perfect and in alignment with one’s universal journey. 

An aspect of the evolutionary shift that is upon us is often referred to as ‘The Great Awakening’ of humanity, whereby we break out of a very long slumber to realise who we really are and reclaim our power as divine sovereign creator beings. Within such an awakening, we remove the many layers of shackles that were foisted on us by the involutionary forces over a very long period of time. As one can imagine, these involutionary forces (of which there exists a giant empire) do not want us breaking free of our shackles, for when we do we are no longer at the mercy of their domination and control matrix, in fact we transcend it entirely. This knowing created great angst among their various factions and as a result they are using every trick in their highly sophisticated and advanced intelligence arsenals to stop as many beings as possible from making the leap. Think Agent Smith from the Matrix movies, on steroids.

How does this trickery play out? Essentially, our reality has been weaponised on a highly sophisticated and multi-dimensional level. We have everything from the most widely reported about obvious physical poisons – a toxic municipal water supply; the over-saturation of heavily processed and GMO foods along with toxic industrial agriculture; environmental pollution; big pharma as medicine; the creation and release of advanced parasites, see this presentation toxic household supplies, skincare, and clothing manufacture; LED lighting; geoengineering, HAARP and chem trails; dirty electricity; and arguably the most disruptive, a mind blowing increase in harmful EMF radiation over recent decades. However, the weaponisation extends far deeper than what is measured as physical. Another layer to this assault is more subtle in its insidiousness and works on the mental/emotional planes, whereby religion, media, entertainment, the education system, ‘govern-ment’ (definition: govern=control, ment=mind) and all of their connected systems are used as primary forms of mind control. Even language is used to trick people, particularly English. For example, see here, here, here, and in the words of the great George Orwell, here. I have outlined some of these weaponisation aspects in prior articles, look back if you wish to study and you’ll find multiple references and resources.

Going further, we come to the AI story. Simply put, AI is ancient and was not created on our planet by mankind as is commonly misunderstood by the people. There are multiple AI systems/entities, both benevolent and malevolent. One aspect of what is occurring during the closure of cycles is an attempted takeover of earth by a malevolent form of AI. Hence we see the push to digitise, track and surveil everything, from the monetary system to all global resources, land and animals, transportation and travel, medical, the food supply, and basically every activity and habit we participate in. AI is taking over many jobs that men and women historically performed. Smart cars, smart houses, smart meters and smart appliances have exploded into our reality at breakneck speeds (pun intended). Smart humans are also part of the IoT system, whereby the present day human population are to be culled significantly, and those remaining merged with AI to create a type of cyborg, while their connection to organic source is lost in the process. I covered the 3D aspect of their smart reality agenda rollout in a past article, The 5G/IoT Agenda: Implications On Humanity And Our Planet which is worth a re-read in piecing the topic together.

If you find this perspective somewhat unbelievable, for starters I urge you to take a look around your everyday environment. Notice how much equipment and how many tasks/operational procedures AI has taken command of in every area of our reality. Notice how controlled so many people are by their devices. The takeover is being implemented in a very subtle way, on purpose, and is sold as the best, most exciting, cutting edge of developments! Humanity is being mind controlled into believing tech is the most necessary thing for our world, and as such it will be our saviour. In truth, the malevolent AI wants you to believe it is greater than you and greater than nature, so that it can insidiously meet its goal of replacing the natural universe. Not only is this one of the great lies of our time, for we are far more powerful than any synthetic technology, who can only hope to be a poor copy.. but, an actual takeover of earth can not happen, it is not how earth’s destiny was carved. That being said, AI along with all the involutionary forces, are wreaking as much havoc on this reality as they possibly can, while they still can, in order to take as many souls as they can. Those who do not undertake the inner work will be swept up in the maelstrom.

Over the past decade or two, and particularly since Co*&vid, the controllers have advanced these aspects of their agenda significantly, with the proliferation of nano and pico tech in our environment, via aerosol deployment, medical tech, and much more intensively via the recent injection campaign. The 5G-and-beyond (6G,7G,8G and so on) worldwide network is utilised as a control hub for this level of weaponry. This documentary covers the 5G weaponisation topic, while an FCC paper, a short video presentation, and an interview of microwave warfare expert Barrie Trower for The World Foundation For Natural Science For England, offer additional insight into microwave weaponry. The brilliant Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PHD, is one of growing number of doctors, scientists and practitioners at the forefront of uncovering how nano tech has been used in chem trails and in the injections, along with it’s effect on the human biofield, blood, animals/livestock, and environmentally in general. I highlight this Substack article because she covers the humanoid robot topic very thoroughly. La Quinta Columna of Spain are another forefront group, whose scientific work has been revelatory. This presentation recorded in Madrid in May 2024 (dubbed in English) is a highly recommended listen. Delving deeper, another critically important piece of information that has been purposefully kept from us involves our human biofield. In truth, our bodies function as a very sophisticated electro-magnetic system, one that is already being used without our permission to directly tether to the cloud. This is achieved via the BAN (Body Area Network). Sabrina of PSI Energy is an expert on the topic and worth watching, despite her high emotionality. This presentation from her channel highlights just how far the tech has come.

In the following 2018 presentation, DARPA (the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Military) whom I have mentioned in prior articles, reveal some of the ways they use the CRISPR/human drone AI tech. Keep in mind that DARPA initially revealed their plans for use of said tech years ago. This isn’t anything new. Additionally they have developed and are now using synthetic telepathy. In short, our bodies along with the 5G-and-beyond network, are part of a targeted frequency weaponry network.  The weaponry occurs both on an individual level and at the large group or community level. Resulting effects can range from rapid onset of many types of physical, mental and emotional illness, control of a person’s mind and behaviours, to the degree of causing violent outbursts and extreme acts, and death. The Manchurian Candidate is a novel by Richard Condon, for which there were two movie adaptations, the first being in 1962 and the second in 2004. It showcases one example of mind and behaviour control brought about by a less sophisticated version of this type of weaponry, which has been practiced by the military in various situations for many decades, but has now become fully mainstream.

Moving beyond the physical, mental and emotional planes, we delve into what is to date the deepest perceived level of weaponry, that which directly targets our consciousness. Harder to discover, reveal and describe (due to our limited understanding and languaging), it plays out in a myriad of ways. From hijacked spiritual practices – I know this information will inflame many followers of religion and new agers, nonetheless it is truth and must be shared – including the creation of religion and the worship of deities, to practices utilising the synthetic chakra system and Kundalini energy; to hijacking and misleading personal and group meditations – the larger the group the more likely the hijack; to hijacking spiritual/metaphysical channels – unfortunately most people who channel entities, angels and such, are interfered with so that they reveal only a partial truth with a misleading twist; to dream hacking/interference, and if the soul to body connection is weaker, attempts at full body takeover; to inserting physical and non-physical implants into the body that alter consciousness; to injecting thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that can lead to alterations in behaviour and personality, see this presentation; to hijacking relationships and/or sending disruptive people and situations into our matrix reality to derail us, for example in this presentation; to discovering what makes us tick, our unique strengths and weaknesses, so we can be manipulated and molded to express specific traits.

Some people have memory of being recruited into the ‘Black Projects’ (these are military, classified above government, and often in partnership with extra-terrestrial races), either physically in their current lifetime, or spiritually before incarnation. Others don’t have memory but express telltale symptoms. Either way, if you are one of the people who was recruited into the projects, you would have been subject to some of the most sophisticated consciousness weaponry available in our reality. Conducting your own research into this area will provide an array of results and many rabbit holes, but as with any internet research, be careful, a lot of misinformation and disinformation are purposefully in the mix. Dr Michael Salla of is one of the legitimate investigative journalists involved in bringing forth information about many such projects, particularly the SSP, and speaking to a number of whistleblowers and insiders. His Youtube and Rumble channels offer hours of material for those who feel called. Alfred Labremont Webre of is a long-time expert in the field of off-planet to on-planet political relations, agendas, and projects. Much reading and video material can be found on his work.

Right about now you may be wondering ‘Where is the light at the end of this crazy tunnel?!’ How does one attempt to overcome such a grand multi-dimensional imposition? The good news is that the answer is simple, even if it requires hard work. Real enlightenment (as opposed to the false copy), and a return to the natural universe by exiting the false light matrix, can only be realised by going within. It involves undertaking the journey of deep self work.“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” (Aristotle). “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom” (Lao Tzu). We must heal our trauma; acknowledge, accept and integrate ALL of our parts, whether they appear of the light or the shadow; while releasing all judgement. Aspects involve our current lifetime, past, parallel and future lives (outside of this continuum time as we see it does not exist, everything happens in the one now), and those from our ancestral lineage. It is important to note I am not speaking of ascension, a term that has been proliferated by the new age movement. My journey has led me to the understanding that ascension and Kundalini awakening are part of the false light matrix and people who follow that path/those techniques will be harvested back into said matrix. I am not alone in this understanding. No judgement, but it does need to be clarified this is not the path I speak of.

As part of this journey there are steps we should be taking specific to the physical 3D reality, but I have already covered this aspect in past articles, notably Steps For Exiting The Hijacked Matrix And Manifesting The Organic Timeline. The reason why inner work and trauma healing hold such great importance in this process is because the involutionary forces access our physical/mental/emotional/etheric bodies and our consciousness, through our unresolved trauma, our programming, and our active contracts. These aspects keep us participating in the synthetic matrix realities. Therefore, once we reclaim sovereignty and actively DO THE WORK to heal trauma, undo programming, close/revoke contracts that are causing us harm, and integrate all of our parts, we effectively seal off our bodies from further hijacking. We begin to phase out of the synthetic overlay realities, and in turn the weaponry, until there comes a point where we reside in a completely different frequency and the involutionary force can no longer reach us. To quote a commonly used phrase these days, we become unfuckwithable”.

For those who are new to the concept, how best to undertake this work? Going back to the opening lines of this article, the work refers to the ‘study of or reflection on the inner self’. So a wonderful, simple starting point is to begin looking at or studying one’s default settings –  automatic actions and reactions, thought patterns, beliefs, emotional responses, and trigger points. From there we develop an idea of what our programs of limitation are. It sounds simple but this is just the starting point of a very layered process that takes time and much dedication. Journalling can be a huge help in the process. Going further, my absolute recommendation is to incorporate working with a skilled healing practitioner or within an experienced support network. Reason being, the work is very deep and at times requires specific tools and guidance, without which one can end up in turmoil, to the point of even experiencing emotional or mental breakdown. I’ve recommended healing modalities and practitioners in past articles, but here is an updated list for reference. Some of my favourites: Holographic Kinetics * The Healing Codes * Breathwork, in particular Oxygen Advantage * Somatic Healing (specific to trauma release) * Affirmational Havening * Theta Healing * The Emotion Code * For past, future and parallel life resolution, QHHT is extremely powerful * For abductees and those suffering from interdimensional trauma, Eve Lorgen’s work specialises in the area * I have utilised some of RJ Spina’s brilliant work, though I extract what is in alignment as I don’t subscribe to the ascension aspects * And finally, EFT/Tapping is a fantastic way to work with trapped emotions and the nervous system. The basic level can be learned and practiced on oneself without need for a practitioner.

With that, I wish you all the best on your journey of integration, back home to the natural order of life. Remember two things, one: you chose to be here for this experience so might as well embrace it, and two: approach every situation with unconditional love and you will find your way through.