Vibration 101

Vibration 101

Everything is energy and everything vibrates.

Technology can now even measure this vibration. Important note: high and low vibrations cannot coexist. Pain, disease, anger, hatred and basically all negative energy vibrate low. Love, joy, peace, and perfect health vibrate at a high level. Check out Dr Hawkin’s renowned scale as a great reference point:

Within third dimensional existence, as has been experienced on our earth, energy pulsates more slowly ie in low vibrational frequency. So let’s talk about the earth going through an ascension process and raising her vibration into the fifth dimension and beyond. What we mean by this is that the energy pulsates faster, creation speeds up and only those energies supported by a high vibration can survive. Such energies as love, peace, joy and perfect health. So, the fact that mother earth is on an ascension path, like it or not, those of us who want to take that journey with her need to raise our vibration or we’ll be end up being shaken off like fleas on a dog! Raising the vibration means switching the channel. This is the solution to ending pain, disease, hatred, anger, war, and the myriad of negative circumstances that have and do currently exist in our collective reality.

Without going too much into the reason why we find ourselves in the low vibrational reality here on earth, which I will delve a little further into on future posts, I want to share a basic understanding of this shift in vibration and how you can go about achieving it here and now!

“I’m only human”

is the program that humanity has been running on for an aeon. We have been brainwashed to see ourselves as powerless beings living in victimhood. Due to our lifestyle and patriarchy’s reign, the masculine/feminine is out of balance and neither mind nor body have enough fuel to operate at optimum level. It’s as if we have unplugged one side of the battery, the right brain or feminine side. However, when we activate the superhuman vibration, we start to realize the power laying latent inside of us. Our awareness opens up, and the 97% of our (scientist-labelled) ‘junk’  dna, actually our superpowers, begin to reactivate. In this balanced state we can generate the energy from inside of our being to run the whole battery. We are then also able to withstand the changes and take the ascension journey along with the earth.

How do I raise my vibration, you might ask? Firstly, and of paramount importance, is reconnecting to mother earth. Spend more time in nature and commune with nature. Even a park or big garden helps, if you’re living the inner city life. Eat a diet high in organic foods that are right off the earth and in their raw form. Unfortunately, since man has introduced so much toxicity into the environment, the positive/negative ion ratio is way out of balance. Hence our air, water, soil and food supplies are all polluted. But there’s good news!! Thanks to some of the amazing inventions that people are being downloaded with, we now have a myriad of physical products and tools available to assist us in our return to the pure. I’m going to start with just a couple personal favourites. More to come in later blogs..

This site is simply amazing!! Kaitlyn Keyt has truly tapped into source energy and her products scream high vibration! If you’re a little overwhelmed by everything that’s available, start with the water bottles, cell and computer emf grounders and the mats.

I swear by my earthing pad, it makes for a better nights sleep and I’m sure all kinds of other health benefits.

These are the only minerals I take, inexpensive and harnessing pure earth energy.

One more point I’ll make here is, stay away from GM foods if you can help it!! They have no nectar, and were created to specifically suppress the feminine element. The powers that be want us to eat these foods to keep us stuck in the 3D prison, and without awareness. More on this later, when I talk about diet… 

A final point: Where thoughts go, energy flows and results follow. We have been programmed to stay in a low vibrational thought and feeling mode. This causes energy to leak outside of us and limits our state of being on every level. Not only is it imperative to raise our vibrations from a physical standpoint, but also by keeping our thoughts and emotions vibrating high. So, remember to keep your mind and your body clean, and you’re well on the way…