05.05.12 Supermoon

05.05.12 Supermoon

The biggest and closest full moon of the year arrives today, also being termed “Super Moon”, notably on a powerful number sequence date, 5.5.5 (2012 is a 5)! Also known as the Wesak moon, celebrating the life and death and enlightenment of Buddha and Christ Consciousness, it arrives during the Celtic festival of Beltane, a fire festival that symbolizes the next leap of light.

Does this all sounds great but you can’t make head or tail of it? To put it more simply, should we choose to harness them, the energies of today are all converging to allow us a great leap toward the light, a transformation. The stars are especially aligned for us to embrace and truly release those old stuck patterns that aren’t working in our lives, to reach beyond into a new, more enlightened and freer way of living! Make peace with the past, accept the present and understand that your future is born now.

At the very least, take some time today to be still and meditate, focus on just one thing (situation, pattern, dynamic) that isn’t working in your life or that is weighing you down. Visualize it fully, then embrace it as if you were giving a huge hug of gratitude for it being there. Allow any emotion that comes up to come out fully, whatever that may be. If you need to bawl for half an hour, then bawl! Once you have embraced this energy, release it to the light and replace it with a visualization of it’s opposite, where you are in true joy and power with this (situation, pattern, dynamic). Hold this vision for a few minutes, and trust that this is what you are now creating.

Happy Super Moon everyone!!!