An End To The Fabrication Of War

An End To The Fabrication Of War

Many of you probably read the title and wonder “what the hell is she talking about?” Although the suggestion is going to come as shocking and hurtful to many, I nonetheless feel it’s very timely to share this information. So all I ask is that you read with an open mind, then make your own deductions.

Firstly, we look at what has made up a part of the human brain for a very long time: the Reptilian Brain.

“The reptilian brain is the most ancient of the brains. It has two hemispheres, just like the neocortex. The reptilian brain consists of the upper part of the spinal cord and the basal ganglia, the diencephalon, and parts of the midbrain – all of which sits atop the spinal column like a knob in the middle of our heads. It is seen to represent a fundamental core of the nervous system and derives from a form of mammal-like reptile that once ranged widely over the world but disappeared during the Triassic period having provided the evolutionary link between dinosaurs and mammals. All modern mammals have this reptilian complex, including humans. Foremost among the traits generated through the reptilian brain is the drive to establish and defend territory. This is fueled by an extremely potent “will-to-power”, exemplified among lizards by the ritual behavior of two rainbow lizards competing for dominance. These animals have beautiful colors and like many lizards, use head-bobbing and pushups in assertive, aggressive, courtship and greeting displays. In a contest, once the gauntlet is thrown down, the aggressive displays give way to violent combat, and the struggle is unrelenting. In victory, they are tyrannical dictators in the extreme.“   David Icke

 With a little research we can discover our brains were created to contain this aspect. Additionally, the master geneticists behind the creation of our prototype, the same beings who have controlled our reality for an aeon, are indeed of the reptilian background. Knowing this, we’re more able to understand why certain behaviours have prevailed in our 3-D reality… quest for control and dominance, fighting, and ultimately nations at war. We have seen a pattern in the rise and fall of empires that keeps being repeated; Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, Britain, and the US, for example.

Looking at this pattern more deeply, we discover that a common style of rule has applied within every empire, one of control and dictatorship over the masses by the few. To go one step further, the same few. And for those of you living within empirical society today who believe you actually live in freedom, do your research and think again. Modern society is manipulated, and the US in particular is one of the more controlled nations on the planet. Government is in bed with big corporations, and they’re all in bed with the big bankers.

“Let me issue and control a Nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws.”Amsel Bauer Mayer Rothschild; founder of the Rothschild family dynasties, most powerful banking family in history.

To use David Icke’s words again, there is a particular format to this pattern that works every time both in creating profits and the control of people: “Problem, Reaction, Solution”. A situation is created to look like a crisis, there is a reaction from an opposing force, and the authorities offer the solution, all the while putting more power and control into their hands. Sad but true, war is the perfect vehicle for this system. Those in power are in reality not allied to any particular nation, they play all sides and always come out with huge profits and more control. Meanwhile the people become more disillusioned and therefore more reliant on authorities. Zbigniew Brzezinski (yes, Obama’s foreign policy adviser) gave an interview years back to the French Press where he admitted to creating the Mujahideen/Taliban. A perfect example of the way in which these scenarios are played out. There are excerpts at this link:

A wonderful book written a few years back, describing in detail the pillaging of many underdeveloped nations by those in power is “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” by John Perkins. Written by the man who held such a position, it is a very worthy read.

Without dwelling further on the negativity that exists in our reality, let’s look instead at it’s transformation. Because although it is necessary to be aware, to hold focus on the negative only holds our experience in that very place.

As I’ve talked about in past articles, we are now in the midst of a huge transformation where a number of galactic cycles come to an end. The affect on our planet is pure chaos as the old world dies and a new one is born. Equal to the microcosm of the old ‘human being’ dying while a new one is born. But within this great chaos we see the return of exciting energies and ancient powers as we take the leap into a higher vibrational reality. It’s important to note that with these energies come equal responsibility. One such example can be seen in the development of the Keshe Foundation technologies, that I spoke about in a recent article. A new update is truly groundbreaking..

This article speaks perfectly to the theme of enemies and wars being fabricated to suit an agenda. But with regard to what is now energetically possible for humanity and on the planet, Keshe has come forward to reveal their highly advanced energy and space technologies that can stop an attack of war, in mid air! They are making a call for world peace and an end to the diabolical machine of war. And if the tyrannical rulers do not heed the call, another great number of lives will be lost mid-attack as their technology is rendered obsolete. Time is up for the age of the ‘reptilian mind’ with it’s patterns of utter waste and destruction of precious life on earth. But how are we going to birth the new age? Well, if we take just one step and begin spreading this message of peace and true power, one corner at a time the light turns on. And where there is full light, darkness can no longer reach.