Mind Control, Predictive Programming and Occult Conditioning

https://wakeup-world.com/2015/07/22/mind-control-predictive-programming-and-occult-conditioning/ This article explains a lot about what’s really going on with humanity and our planet. I would go further to say we humans have been deceived into believing we’re…

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Hyperdimensional Manipulation and Anchoring a Higher Frequency

https://wakeup-world.com/2015/05/23/hyperdimensional-manipulation-and-anchoring-a-higher-frequency/ I love this article! The way Guenther describes our interdimensional matrix and the journey we spiritual humans are on, I’m completely in alignment with. Take what you will, this…

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More On The Amazing Keshe Foundation

https://youtu.be/UrN99RELqwo The amazing Keshe Foundation!!! I have been a follower and LOVED what the genius and nuclear physicist MT Keshe is creating for some years now. It’s really time that…

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