Diet, A Few Ideas

Diet, A Few Ideas

I so often get asked what I recommend as a healthy eating plan, healthy nutritional diet, weight-loss diet, you name it! This is a subject so diverse and with so much potential information that it looks more like a book than a blog post. In fact I have begun writing my book on nutrition, but until that is published I’ll share a few ideas that really make sense to me…

No matter who you are the most important thing you can do for your body, second to drinking 2-3 litres of quality water per day, is to eat whole raw foods, organic where possible. An ultimate diet is filled with foods that are as close to their natural source as possible. I’ve found the raw to cooked ratio of 80/20 or 70/30 works best for me, but it’s obviously dependent on your state of health and the current needs of your body. The three food groups to avoid in any healthy diet are fast foods, processed foods and GM foods. That may seem obvious but it’s surprising how many people don’t know the kind of damage they’re doing to their bodies by continuing to eat them. This is especially prevalent in our society where media is controlled by the corporatocracy and  food advertising is manipulated by the giants, who only make money when you the consumer eat their processed, GM and fast foods.

If you’re already following the above basic guidelines, the other equally important thing you can do is to KNOW your body. It is so interesting to me that we are each born a completely unique human being with our own unique dna strand, yet so many diet and nutrition plans take the stance ‘what’s right for one is right for all’. Believe me, from my own years of experience and those of many others, this is absolutely not the case! There is no one right plan, only the right plan for you at any given time in your life. Tune in to your body and what it’s asking for, and the diet will come together. What I mean by this is know your blood type, ancestry, strengths and weaknesses, medical or physical issues, allergies and sensitivities, environment and lifestyle demands. Some steps:

  • Take a simple blood test with your local nurse or doctors clinic to determine your blood type, read the book “Eat Right for your Blood Type” by Dr Peter J D’Adamo, and start following some of the principles. 
  • A highly recommended book I’ve found transformative and applied many of the elements in my life is “The Body Ecology Diet” by Donna Gates. It takes an in-depth look at our body ecology in the modern world and how to foster a healthy one. 
  • Have some testing done to determine allergies and sensitivities. The most accurate and intensive are those done by a quantum bio feedback machine and I recommend finding a practitioner who uses one. Remember that allergies and sensitivities change, and what shows up in one period of your life might be quite different the next, especially if you adjust your diet to let your body heal. For those of you (esp women) lucky to be in the greater Los Angeles area, take yourself to the amazing Dr Stephanie King and use my name as a referral. She’s at I was introduced through a friend who also raved about her and believe me it was life changing!  
  • Know your environment, climate and lifestyle demands, and adjust your diet accordingly. Eat local produce where possible, and eat right for the season. Chinese and Eastern medicine have a wonderful grasp of these concepts, and a good Chinese doctor is always an asset in a fast paced modern lifestyle.
  • When taking vitamins, minerals and supplements, keep it simple and of the highest most unrefined quality as possible! Too many people believe we need a ton of supplements, and especially as many over the counter brands are synthetic and don’t absorb as well, we end up with overload of the liver and other organs, causing damage long term. Find out what your body needs and don’t overdo it.
  • If you don’t already, start meditating. Through meditation we discover our inner world, the real world, connected to source and our deepest truth. From this place and with this understanding we are able to listen to our bodies and intuitively know what is right for us. This not only applies to diet and foods, but to every aspect of our lives. 

I hope this has given you something to chew over with your next meal ;)) and at the very least some awareness. Awareness is the first step in any transformation. Many blessings on your journey of health!