Exit The Negative Thinking Cycle, Into More Peace And Joy

Exit The Negative Thinking Cycle, Into More Peace And Joy

How many times a day do you find yourself in a pattern of negative thought? Be it ruminating on a bad past experience, reacting and re-reacting to someone who p#sses you off, or stressing out about the future? Human beings spend a great deal of time focused on the negative, largely due to the programming that exists in our vibrational reality. While most of this programming has been created on purpose, it is only the sleeping population that allows it’s continuation as such. 

Thoughts + Feelings = Vibration. Negative vibrational cycles, once started tend to snowball and can be difficult to stop. Not only are they detrimental to the neural pathways in our brains, but also affect our physicality, causing faster aging. Longer term effects include potential disease and even DNA damage. In The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer, researchers Elizabeth Blackburn and Elissa Epel identify several thought patterns that contribute to aging – cynical hostility, rumination, pessimism, thought suppression and mind-wandering.

How can we extract ourselves, when everything in our reality seems geared to keeping us stuck in these cycles? After all, it’s habitual and logical to blame outside circumstances for ‘making us’ react a certain way. But what if the key lies within us rather than in the outside world? What if we can shift our thoughts and feelings and ultimately affect the way our lives play out?

Generally we can’t control things that happen in our lives, but we can control the way we think and feel about them, and as a result affect the direction our lives will flow in. How so? The first step involves paying attention to your vibration, by being the witness. As you focus on your thoughts and feelings you will begin to realize most of what you worry about is completely out of your control, and how easy it is for your mind to spiral out of control. As you witness negative thoughts and feelings, the second step is to lovingly start to flip them into a neutral or positive equal. Realizing it’s all just your mind and it can be reprogrammed is key here. For example, you have a recurring thought “I’m never going to get to the place in my career that I want. It just isn’t flowing for me and I can’t see a way to turn it around.” You can neutralize that thought by changing it to “I’m doing the best I can with what I have right now. I’m waiting and preparing for a new opportunity to come my way.” Or flip it completely to positive “I’m in exactly the right place with my career for the best opportunity to happen to me. All I need to do is wait for the signs and then take focused action. I’m open to magic happening today!” Little by little as you start to undo and neutralize the negative, with love, you will start to witness your brain’s neural pathways reprogramming. By the way, this is a scientifically proven fact. 

It’s been said enough times before, but discipline and focus are key. This is not a one time effort, you must be able to commit to a practice and daily is ideal. Our thoughts and feelings are stubborn and training them is a work in progress, but apply yourself and you’ll really notice the changes. You’ll respond differently to stressful situations, be less affected by emotions, generally see more reason, and definitely feel more peace and joy. But the icing on the cake is that this work brings about real time shifts in our physical reality. Life will start to flow more easily, you’ll find positive outcomes to situations that in the past might have been negative, and things will simply work out a lot more often. It may feel a little like magic, but it’s really just the magic of being in the flow.  

I’ve spoken about the work of Abraham Hicks before, but they warrant another mention. Abraham are master teachers of the law of attraction, manifestation, and living in the flow or what they call the vortex. Immerse yourself in their books or listen to the hundreds of available YouTube videos on their work, and you’ll kick start the process of changing your vibration in the greatest of ways.

When we make a choice as a daily practice to live in more positivity, to find gratitude for all of the good in our lives (even when it seems life is giving us a rough ride) we can alter the way our lives play out remarkably. To the point where the seemingly impossible can become possible. Imagine the world we would have if everyone decided to take control of their vibration, even for just a few minutes daily? The amount of suffering that would be eased?! Can you commit to being a part of the change, even if all you can offer is 5 minutes a day?