Finding Joy Within The Chaos

Finding Joy Within The Chaos

Are you having a hard time with life right now? Be it waking up in the morning to face personal overwhelming stress, stress with your family or loved ones, or the stress of witnessing what the news portrays to be ever-escalating global disaster? 

You’re not alone. Millions of people the world over are seeing their lives thrown into chaos, be it through health issues and chronic illness, loss of job or career, financial meltdown, or suffering the effects of disaster, from hurricanes to massive fires, flooding, earthquakes, terrorism, mass atrocity crimes, political imposition, gas and oil spills and nuclear accidents. You might be thinking, how is it even possible to reach a state of peace or joy when day after day we’re being reminded through images and experiences that our reality has become exceedingly dark and seemingly psychotic. 

We cannot go any further without understanding a little more about the machinations of this planetary reality. Quantum physics has ascertained that the universe is a consciousness hologram and that our 3D world is merely a projected illusion within that hologram, held together by the people and other beings within the reality. If you’re the type of person that finds this way of thinking altogether too far fetched, I ask nothing more than you simply suspend your disbelief for a few moments and be open to all possibility. Because understanding this concept offers each of us a very exciting opportunity.  

What if the reason we’re experiencing our world in it’s current form is because certain people understand the machinations of this reality? What if they’re using these machinations to manipulate the masses for a certain gain? I’ve taken these concepts much further in other articles on my blog, should they be of interest. However, no matter what your beliefs about this aspect, the exciting point of today’s article is how we personally can affect and mould our reality, rather than letting reality mould us! 

How exactly does one go about this? There are many teachings available on manifestation. If you want to delve deeper I personally defer to Abraham Hicks, the original and extensive source material on Law of Attraction for the past three decades (see book in pick of the month below). But for the purpose of getting started I’m going to share a few crucial tools and elements, so that you can do so easily today.

The most important element to all of this is practice, to actually set aside some time each day for yourself and for this discipline. Even 10 minutes is a start! But without the willingness to commit, you might as well not begin. Once you’ve set aside a time, find a quiet place where your focus won’t be disturbed. This time is all about accessing your inner world and imagination. 

– Take a few deep centering breaths, breathe right into your lower abdomen and allow the oxygen to flood your body. 
– I’ll preface by saying I cannot stress enough the importance of the feeling of gratitude in the process of life transformation. That said, start to focus on something you have to be grateful for in your life. If your life feels so bad that you find yourself at a loss, pick something abstract for example the sun, that it rises and falls every day. Or the beauty of earth, pick a particular nature scape; your favourite animal; or the gift of your physical body, how miraculously it functions every day. 
– Spend a few moments focused on that gratitude, even if you can only muster a little at first. Slowly allow that feeling of gratitude to grow and spread to yet another aspect you’re grateful for. 
– For those of you who want to jump in and have a full on gratitude session, check out this powerful exercise from Tony Robbins on Oprah
– Once you’ve spent at least 5 minutes focused on the gratitude, start to imagine one thing that you desire in your life that would bring you great joy. For example, you desire a better job with better pay. Start to visualize yourself already in that job, do this as if you were watching a movie on a screen above your eye-line. See yourself clearly, how you’re dressed, what your office or workspace looks like, performing your job and interacting with others. Details are important. Visualize receiving your paycheck and how much you are being paid in this new job. Spend at least 5 minutes on the details of this little movie and FEEL how good it feels to have this amazing new job. 
– Now imagine one change that would bring you great joy to see in the world. This could be anything, great or small, local or distant. Repeat the process of creating a little movie where you see this change taking place, see it affecting as many people as necessary. FEEL how good it feels to have shared this energy of change with the world, somewhere it was greatly needed. 
– Once complete, hold this energy of love, gratitude and joy as long as you can. Whenever you have the chance throughout the day, take mini moments to just breathe a few deep breaths and bring back that feeling again. The more we give energy to something and practice it, the better we get at it.

The wonderful thing about this practice is it’s free of charge, it only takes yourself, and anyone can do it! You can start this practice for as little as 10 – 15 minutes a day, but the more time you commit, obviously the better the results. Once you commit you’ll slowly start to notice little changes in your life, some of which you won’t be able to explain.

The organic universal energy of love is magical and when we learn how to access it at will and steer it in certain directions, we begin to see our life change before our eyes. One of the many truths we aren’t taught in school is that we are actually the co-creators of this collective reality, and we have the power to change reality, simply by where we choose to focus our energy. So the next time you turn on the news and witness yet another disaster story (if that’s what you choose to do), instead of getting caught up in the negative hysteria that the media are so brilliant at creating, take a few minutes to sit in your gratitude and love meditation. From that place, send whatever good energy and good result you wish to see for the people, beings and area affected by that disaster. Believe it or not, you will not only transform the way you feel in this process, but you will help mitigate the effects of the disaster.

If enough of us start practicing these exercises, then come together with common directed energy, we will begin to see the transformation of our world in front of our very eyes. Give it a go and tell me how you feel, what you start to experience…