Unless you’re living in the wilderness, or a rabbit hole, chances are you’ve by now heard of 5G and the IoT (Internet of Things). Perhaps it’s already being rolled out in your city/state/country, or the preparations are being made. The mega marketing here in the US for 5G certainly sells it as being the best thing to ever hit our ‘technocratic’ reality! Note this is not my first time writing on the 5G/IoT topic, see here, but I feel we’re at a crucial time in our reality and more information needs to get out. For those who don’t know 5G, which stands for 5th Generation, it is the latest wireless communication system using MMW (millimetre wave) bandwidth that touts download speeds 10-100 times faster than 4G with far greater data capacity. It promises driver-less cars, houses and work spaces that operate via the click of a button, and complete interconnectedness. But 5G is not merely an upgrade of wireless infrastructure, it is a giant leap towards having a total technological control grid, more on that later..
The rollout of 5G is already in full swing in a number of countries. Some estimates forecast that by 2024, 5G subscriptions will reach 1.9 billion, and that coverage could blanket up to 65% of the world’s population, see here. 5G waves don’t travel very far or through objects, so towers must be built just 500 feet apart, on every street in every country. Then there are the planned space satellites, thousands of them… The end goal is to have pulsed radiation WiFi targeting every corner of the globe. All of this already in the works, and yet NOT ONE of the telecommunication, space technology or aviation companies in question have conducted ANY TESTS on the potential health effects to people.. or animals.. or the environment. We already know that radio waves and EMF radiation from technology is harmful to humans and our environment, found in the thousands of scientific peer reviewed papers that have been written since the 1930’s. In 2011 even the World Health Organisation admitted that wireless devices are potential carcinogens, see here. Not to mention the thousands of doctors, health professionals and scientists who are protesting 5G, the smart grid and the continuing onslaught of EMF radiation, because of the documented health consequences. Notably, this recent petition of 26,000 signatures from professionals in 35 nations directed at the UN, WHO, EU, Council of Europe and Governments of all nations, see here. Take a look at the recent NTP study on cell phone radiation here. Dr Martin Pall is one of the most prominent experts on the health impacts of EMF and 5G, but there are many others behind him. In this short interview he states “We’re taking risks of the sort that no rational society can possibly take. We’re doing it blindly, and in my judgment with absolute stupidity.”Watch the video here.
Birds and bees have been disappearing at alarming rates, studies on both confirm that EMF radiation plays a significant role in this, because EMF interferes with the magnetic field of earth and all of her inhabitants. Birds and bees specifically use magnetoreception and EMF radiation scrambles the fields, rendering them unable to use their navigation systems. Additionally it damages their circadian rhythms and immune systems, leading to disease followed by death. The dangers of wiping out our bird and bee populations are beyond imaginable. EMF radiation also causes increased antibiotic resistance of bacteria and hence development of super bugs, permanent damage to all plant life making it ultimately inedible, and major disruption of the natural ecosystem. Now, given the fact that we know all of this, doesn’t it seem ludicrous that this technology keeps being senselessly pushed onto society, while NOT A SINGLE TEST has been conducted by any of the corporations in question? And to go one step further, they make claims that anyone speaking out about the health effects of EMF radiation is simply spreading non-factual and unproven information, or the most overused term in the mainstream media today, ‘fake news’. Why might this be, when their argument is moot…? The answer that likely comes to mind for many people, is profit and consumer demand. But those are only surface level and not the deepest reasons behind this agenda. You see, with 5G and the IoT, the money spent on creating and implementing such a network is far far greater than anything we’ve seen before, and although there will be billions in profit, it will take substantial time to capitalise on the initial investment. Additionally, this type of profit could be made via alternate means and with far less expense. Yes, consumer demand is partially responsible for the speed of this rollout, because so many people desire convenience and speed, at all costs. But these people are foolishly and ignorantly valuing speed over their privacy, their safety, their health and the health of the entire planet. This 40 minute lecture by scientist, journalist and EMF activist Arthur Fistenberg offers a lot of information about EMF listen here. If you have limited time, run this in the background while you’re driving, cooking, or doing another activity that allows you to simply listen.
All of this being said, the biggest reason for the 5G/IoT rollout is control. The intent is to hook every single material thing on the planet, as well as humans themselves, onto a vast planet-wide web where everything and everyone become nodes on the network – connected by microchips which are nano-size and can be inhaled (like ‘smart’ dust).. This might sound far fetched, but believe me, it’s documented fact. In order to understand the basis a little better, I encourage you again to read my two earlier articles on 5G and the Smart Meter Equation, here, and Nano Technology and the Transhumanistic Agenda, here. Smart Meters were a critical part in setting up the first phase of the ‘Smart Grid’, which is why they were rolled out in so many cities and countries around the world, without informing the people. 5G is a military weapon, a part of the electronic weaponry system being used both overtly and covertly on people the world over. One example of where 5G frequencies are used is as a weapon for crowd control, called Active Denial Technology, see here. How? 5G lasers influence the human energy field via burning the skin and sweat ducts. Sweat ducts work like helical antennas, so anyone caught in the beam will absorb the 5G energy (which can be used to alter their energy field) and feel like their skin is burning off. Lovely. Watch this presentation by Israeli scientist, Dr Paul Ben-Ishai here. I bring up the military because they, along with Google, play a huge role within the 5G technological control grid. Under DARPA, the military and their partner Google oversee the system that conducts surveillance and spys on every single person and structure on the planet. NOTHING you do, no action you take, will escape them. It’s also critical to note that 5G and the IoT make cyber hacking extremely easy, therefore opening up whole nations to dangers such as power blackouts, security threats and electromagnetic warfare with the simple push of a button. The most dangerous aspect of the 5G/IoT agenda though, believe it or not, goes beyond the huge health and surveillance/privacy crises. It is the end goal, Transhumanism, the process of merging the human brain and body with AI, resulting in an altered form of human who is controllable and can be made to think, emote and act according to the wishes of those who control the grid. A whole other level of mind control, and as I stated in my past article, the end of humanity as we know it. You see, 5G and the associated EMF radiation not only damages us on a physical level, but on a soul level. It interferes with the mitochondria of the cells, and pierces through the human soul’s connection to source, nature and organic reality. Therefore this technology when fully rolled out and blasting the earth, would have apocalyptic results. Here is a highly revealing interview with a Particle Physicist confirming the weaponry agenda.
I know so far this article has focused on the deeply negative side to this crazy sci-fi story that has become our reality… but good news, I will now delve into the positive, solution based alternative!
What can we as individuals do on a physical level? Firstly, 5G and the Smart Grid must be stopped! SAY NO to 5G and the onslaught of technocracy. Secondly, Protect yourself and your family as best you can from the EMF radiation that is already being spewed out. Thirdly, we delve into the energetic. Learn techniques to assist you to step into your true power, create your own protection, and phase out of this control matrix..
Before you say “What can I physically do as one person anyway? It’s hopeless.” Know that this is not true! There are thousands upon thousands of individuals the world over who are already taking a stand, and starting to MAKE A DIFFERENCE. What has been successful so far in a number of countries is targeting government at a local level. Visit 5G Exposed for up to date information and to join their mailing list. In the US, visit 5G Crisis and sign up for their email list to learn about how you can participate, and/or EMF Safety Network to learn how to oppose the towers. Note that some regions such as Marin County CA have successfully banned towers in residential areas. Internationally, learn about and sign the 5G Space Appeal created by Arthur Fistenberg, president of the Santa Fe Alliance for Public Health and Safety, New Mexico, which has been successful in opposing citywide WiFi there. In Australia, visit We Say No to 5G in Australia and learn about localised action. Note that top Tasmanian Barrister Raymond Broomhall has brilliantly found a legal pathway to protect people from towers and smart meters, to great success in stopping towers from being built. Join the Worldshift 5G No Fry Zone campaign, their site is a wealth of resources and knowledge on the topic. Note that across Europe there has been widespread resistance against 5G, halting the rollout in Brussels, Belgium; Devonshire, UK; Florence, Italy; a district in Rome, Italy; four Swiss states, and The Netherlands; see here and here. Many other districts and countries are appealing their governments to also halt deployment. The 5G Summit was an incredible collection of presentations from world leading experts on EMF and 5G, created by Josh Del Sol, the tireless activist and documentary filmmaker behind Take Back Your Power, which I highly recommend watching! You can sign up to listen to the summit presentations for free for at the moment.
For the second crucial part of the solution, to protect yourself and your family from already present EMF radiation as much as possible, here are some steps you can take..
– Work to lessen your exposure by spending less time on your devices where possible, limiting your WiFi to slower speeds, or if/where you can, going back to ethernet plug in.
– Don’t allow 5G into your home WiFi network (yes you can still opt for only 2G).
– Don’t buy a 5G capable cell phone, nor an Alexa, Google Nest or similar system, nor smart appliances (where possible).
– Sleep without a television, computer or tablet in your room. If you must have your phone around, keep it at least a few feet away from the bed and on airplane mode or switched off.
– If you have a smart meter, replace it for the analog kind. Or if your home is not owned and you cannot obtain permission to make that decision, at least invest in a Smart Meter cover.
– Unplug electronics when not in use.
– If you can, move away from very densely populated built up city areas, as these will be EMF radiation mega zones.
– Spend more time in nature and live around it if you can! Get sun on your skin (anytime, but early morning best), walk on the bare earth, grow a garden, or head to the ocean if possible. Nature is the most powerful counter-acter to manmade EMFs.
Purchase protection for your body, your devices, and your home environment. I’ve covered this in past articles, but here are my up to date recommendations of products/companies that I believe are the currently some of the best on the market:
– Omnia radiation balancer here; Purchase stickers for all of your EMF emitting devices.
– Somavedic home/workplace harmonizer here; Somavedic was specifically designed to harmonize unwanted influences on our health from geopathic zones and electrosmog.
– Orgone Effects; I am currently in process of becoming a wholesaler of this amazing company’s products, when I’ll be offering them on my website. Whole house, car, and wearable protection! Stay tuned, or contact me directly for further information.
– Power EMT/Sinetamer here; Whole house surge suppression and power filter products.
– Earthcalm and Blushield both offer home protection units/plug ins.
– If you want to go as far as buying radiation protective clothing, here is a great article to begin sourcing.
Finally, for those of you who want to really dive into the deep end, learn how to create your own protection, and phase out of the matrix, accessing the core heart energy (our connection to source) is the way through. There are techniques to use to accelerate this path, contact me directly if you’d like to learn more.. But for a simple daily exercise, stand on the bare earth facing the sun and send a grounding cord of light (pick your colour) from your heart, down through to the core of the earth and back up. Send a second cord of light from your heart to the sun and back. Put your hands on your heart and breathe deeply a few times, feeling into that pure love energy. Send the energy right though your body and remain in that communion for a few minutes. Practicing this ritual daily is a great beginning in reacquainting you with your truth and your power!
I know this has been a lengthy article with a lot of intense information to digest, but the topic is critically important and required it. At the end of the day the choice is ours as to what will play out in our current and future reality. Are we going to take the red pill as sheeple and continue to allow this small group of complete psychopaths to manipulate 7.5 billion of us into manifesting armageddon as they’ve dreamed it?! Or will we take the blue pill and step up as fully realised all powerful beings in unity? From here we can completely break free and shake off the matrix, creating instead a reality based on love, where we all shine and live our best most abundant lives. Be it the red pill or the blue pill, the moment is NOW to make a choice and swallow it!