I will preface this article by stating my political beliefs, which are that politics in our world/matrix reality are designed predominantly for the agenda of domination and control. Politicians of power countries are merely puppets of the ‘Cabal’, or ‘Deep State’ def: a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy. With these statements in mind, I’ll now present an alternate political message. All I ask of you the reader is to have an open mind and to be able to suspend your disbelief for just a moment. If you’re on the path of awakening, this information is essential knowledge..
You may ask, “Where is the evidence of this domination and control agenda, or of the deep state?” The answer is that once you are open to it and pay attention, there is so much evidence it can be overwhelming. So I will outline what I can in one brief article, beyond that you are welcome to embark on the learning journey and down the rabbit hole yourself. Firstly, for those of you who haven’t read or participated in school studies of either George Orwell’s 1984 (published 1949) or Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (published 1932), do yourselves the favour of reading one or both of these books. Both Huxley and Orwell were members of the famed ‘Fabian Society’, def: a British socialist organization whose purpose is to advance the principles of democratic socialism via gradualist and reformist effort in democracies, rather than by revolutionary overthrow. Basically, the Fabian Society had a powerful influence over the politics of the British Empire and internationally, as do all such societies. This is where both authors were introduced to the agenda of domination and control, or what has been referred to as the New World Order, hence their works of ‘fiction’ were actually depicting real plans for our world/reality by those in control. The proof is always in the pudding, so as usual rather than choosing to either immediately buy or debunk this information, why not do your own investigating? Take a look at our current global reality and make some comparisons. Then you will at least see, irrespective of your opinion, that there are many undeniable parallels.
Fast forward to today, and on the premise that a globalist agenda is indeed in full swing, how might it all come together? We can only paint a picture by connecting as many dots as possible. Starting with secret societies, or what might otherwise be termed elitist membership groups, whose ongoing meetings are unquestionably producing the political policies we see being played out on an international scale. How, you might ask? By the fact that all the global power players are members/on the guest lists to these top secret meetings. On rare occasion, information from one or other of these meetings has been leaked, confirming the globalist agenda and revealing decisions that have consequently been made politically. The pyramid of power starts at the top with three corporations, known jointly as Empire of the City: Vatican City, City of London and Washington DC. It then filters down via the groups The Bilderbergers, The Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations in the US, and their UK counterpart Chatham House/Institute of International Affairs, The Club of Rome, Skull and Bones, and the upper levels of the Freemasons. The US Bohemian Grove meetings also play a part in agenda setting, while the Tavistock Institute in London is a major medium used in influencing our reality and brainwashing the masses. By clicking on all of these hyperlinks you can better educate yourself as to who all these players really are and how they are interconnected. It is important to note that anyone who reaches a high-tier level on the global political front has been initiated into one or more of these groups and must ultimately follow their policies and agenda.
Within the pyramid of power there are a select few, namely thirteen ruling families, at the very top. They have been in power through many generations, and control the modern world via the above mentioned Empire of the City. Vatican City holds the spiritual control centre, City of London the financial control centre and Washington DC the military control centre. All high-tier elected officials and politicians follow agendas dictated from above. Even in the case of opposing parties, behind the scenes they are all part of the same game and beholden to the ruling forces. Therefore it usually matters not who is ‘selected’ as president or prime minister, and in the event an individual decides they want to rock the political boat, they are disposed of. Case in point John F Kennedy, and his brother Robert Kennedy behind him. Martin Luther King was also gaining too much traction against the establishment and so he was killed.
The modern banking system is the means used to maintain physical control. Together, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the US Federal Reserve (all private organizations) are at the top of the financial pyramid system, and all the other banks fall underneath. For a wonderful insight into the creation of the federal reserve and the sham that is the whole modern monetary system, read The Creature From Jekyll Island by D Edward Griffin. Following on, war and the drug trade both offer great means of profit, via sale of weapons, reconstruction, and sale of pharmaceutical and street drugs. Hence global wars are ongoing and promoted by those in power as being necessary. Big Pharma has taken over the US medical industry and is trying to infiltrate in as many nations as possible, while the CIA controls the international street drug trade, where billions are made. These industries pummel funds into the financial infrastructure, notably via the ‘big three’ institutions. And for a fantastic read that outlines how a power country pillages the rest of the world, namely developing nations, check out NY Times bestseller Confessions Of An Economic Hitman by John Perkins.
The mainstream media are essentially employed as PR agents for the globalist agenda, as well summarized in this Article. Distraction allows the globalists to mind control the masses, holding their attention with many a frivolous story while important chess moves are happening behind the scenes. Celebrities are the most powerful distractors, including present day politicians. Mainstream media is used to manipulate and fabricate the so called facts. For anyone who hasn’t seen the brilliant movie that summises an aspect of this so well, Wag The Dog, I highly recommend watching it! The purpose for all of this is essentially to keep people from awakening to their true power.. that as free conscious beings with unlimited creative potential, who do not need governing as they think they do. Read This.
At the forefront of the ‘awakening to the globalist agenda’ movement for over 25 years is David Icke, with 22 books, countless articles and many hours of live/video presentations to his name. Here are two excellent such presentations of David’s that connect many dots and highlight an overall picture of the globalist agenda, Mind Control And The New World Order and Agenda 21, The Plan To Kill You. Watching both will give you a good introduction into what is happening within our world/matrix reality today.
At the end of the day, it is your choice to believe what you wish, but my hope is that this article will at least open your eyes to a deeper view of reality than what is presented in the mainstream. For that mainstream has been carefully engineered to brainwash you and I and all of the masses into believing the lie; that we are limited, unintelligent beings who need controlling and governance. The joke is indeed on us! Hence our reality will continue on into greater manipulation, political shenanigans, control and chaos, so long as we allow it. Or until we awaken en masse and say “Enough of the bullshit!” For an awakened population puts an immediate end to a ruling elite. Through a revolution of consciousness, the non-bloody kind, we intelligently co-create a system within a world that works for all.