Venus And Rebalancing The Divine Feminine

Venus And Rebalancing The Divine Feminine

Are you feeling the major intensity of the energies right now?? Wow, June is definitely starting with a bang!! After last night’s full moon eclipse, today and tomorrow (June 5th/6th) Venus is transiting directly across the Sun, to create a different kind of eclipse. This transit takes place when the planet Venus passes directly between the Sun and Earth, becoming visible against the solar disc. The event is very rare and won’t occur again until 2117.

What does this mean for us here on earth exactly? Well, Venus plays a great part in the story of 2012, because it encapsulates the shift into a new age and rebalancing the Divine Feminine on our planet. For thousands of years the world has been ruled by patriarchal societies, creating wars, power struggles, destruction, pollution, fear, pain and separation. The patriarchal organizations of the world have repressed most knowledge of the feminine roles in world history. 2012 is the year for the pendulum to swing back towards the Divine Feminine and rest in a place of balance. To become whole we need both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine energies, equally in our lives. 

Venus represents the heart and unconditional love, along with feelings, creativity and beauty. So we are pushed to awaken and expand compassion in our hearts, where emotional healing can occur. Venus transiting across the sun symbolizes new beginnings, these beginnings are based on higher love, balance and living our souls truth. The questions to ask yourself: Are you tapped in to who you really are, or living by other people’s expectations? Are you feeling connected to source, and your true purpose? Are you having honest, heart centered relationships, or allowing lesser, distracting energies? Is your creativity/artistic side in full expression? 

To express this higher truth and love, humanity must first expose and release the fear-based emotions in our collective consciousness. We must take responsibility for how we show up in all relationship, and come to terms with our dysfunctional emotional patterns. This means releasing all energies, situations and people that aren’t authentic and no longer serve us. There may be a lot of drama and turbulence in these times, as old beliefs and karmic patterns come up strongly. But if you stay with the emotions, process and feel them fully, you will move through it. Emotions are the key that lead to our transformation. What will follow is our liberation and the new beginnings that await. Make sure to take time to nurture your spiritual nature and meditate! This process requires attention. Turn to your inner world however and as often as you can, for this is where true self discovery lies.