Waking From The Illusion

Waking From The Illusion

Years ago, I think I was still in my teens at the time, I came upon an author whose stories would deeply affect my future life perception, unbeknownst to me back then. The author was George Orwell, and the books were ’Animal Farm’ and ’1984’.  

Fast forward to a time when I first came into my deep spiritual awakening, over a decade ago, a group of ‘also awakening’ friends and I became transfixed for a while on what I will term “the dark planetary illusion”. We discovered all manner of information, purposely hidden from the masses, that challenges humanity’s understanding of our entire history and what we see as reality. A great source of that initial information was the well known exposer David Icke, who covers all things Illuminati and beyond. To this day and with the astounding amount of information out there, I still say if you want a general but thorough overview, he is the go-to:


Note: another David that also exposes a wealth of information is Mr Wilcock:


In any case, although our initial reactions to this information were shock and awe, over time we came to peace and realized we were not victims, but actually quite the opposite.. A few years later I had become involved in a specialized area of banking that dealt with with trading of instruments, where large profits were to be used in humanitarian projects. Needless to say, the deeper our company got involved the more I started to see the fraud at the top of our modern banking system. This led me to a book by the  brilliant writer/researcher G Edward Griffin, titled ’The Creature from Jekyll Island’:


For those of you who have even the slightest fascination with the banking system, how it functions and how it came into being, I highly recommend the read!! G Edward’s website also shares a wealth of real news on many different topics, the kind of news you don’t see in the mass media versions, tv or print.

The tie in I’m hinting at with all of the above? Well, there is now too much undeniable research and too many high level people are coming out to ’whistle blow’ on the lies that humanity have been fed about reality. Meaning it is time to wake up and smell the coffee.

What coffee? As succinctly as possible, here is an idea… Thousands of years ago our planet was infiltrated by a group of dark beings who have since maintained power and rule over humanity. They have been at the helm of all empirical societies born and destroyed; Sumeria, Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome to name but a few. Today’s society is no different. Their control can be seen within the corruption of our governments and political structures, financial and economic systems, manipulated wars, the media and entertainment, and even the food supply. Without going into the million and one ways this has been done, it is suffice to say that their grand plan was total control. In order for that plan to succeed they needed a population of ’sheeple’, ie people who were kept asleep, lied to and dumbed down so as not to realize their true potential. For a very long time they have had just that, and in reality our history is not the one we were taught to believe in from a very young age.

But, here is the part where it gets good! We now know times of great change are upon us. For the first time in aeons we are getting the opportunity to wake up, see the truth, and ascend out of this dark infiltrated reality into a new age of light. I’ll regress a little to share that after I went through that period of delving into the dark planetary illusion, I came out the other side realizing that while gaining the knowledge was essential, I didn’t need to give an ounce more of my energy to the dark or to fearing it. From that point on I focused on the light. And the beautiful thing, once you make a choice to wake up, step out of illusion and live in high vibration, the dark then loses all power over you. This is how we become truly sovereign human beings, and from this place is where we create our new personal and collective realities. When humanity learns to live in the higher vibrations of light, a new world emerges. A world where love is truth, and real power and abundance exist for all, not just the few.