2020 – A New Decade, New Clarity of Vision, and the Enhanced Potential for Alchemy

2020 – A New Decade, New Clarity of Vision, and the Enhanced Potential for Alchemy

2020 vision, we’ve all heard that term before. Definition: normal or good clarity of vision. Figuratively, 2020 the year represents a year for new clarity of vision. In numerology, 2020 is the year of ‘exceptional change in the structures, values, and natures of our modern world‘. It is a universal ‘4’ year, all about structure, foundations, dedication and planning.  Astrologically, 2020 marks the ending of three major planetary cycles of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. Additionally, we are witnessing a solar minimum. What does all of this mean in lay man terms? Astrologically and numerologically we are at the crux of a highly opportunistic moment, where an old inharmonious system and it’s structures are crumbling, deeply hidden truths are being revealed, some that are very disturbing and seemingly unbelievable to those who are seeing them for the first time, but also incredibly empowering. Simultaneously, more and more people are awakening, seeing reality with new eyes, finding their personal freedom within, and taking action to create from this new centred place. A place of clarity about who and what they are.

‘Enhanced Potential for Alchemy’. What does this mean? The dictionary definition of Alchemy states:
1. A medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life.    
2. A power or process that changes or transforms something in a mysterious or impressive way. It is this second definition that I’m referring to. An energetic awakening is currently happening on our planet via waves that are hitting us, from mother earth, the sun and the universe, in tangent. These energy waves are pushing to the surface all the muck and mire that has been hidden deep below, for the purpose of alchemy, or transmutation.

Many people are looking at the world today and thinking it has gone completely mad. Forgivably so. Crazy weather anomalies have become the norm. We have huge physical and emotional toxicity within our environment. Mega viruses are breaking out. Turmoil seems to be almost everywhere. The US have continued bulldozing down the path toward another world war, led by a twitter addicted, reality tv star president, while internally their systems based on corrupt capitalism are completely falling apart. The UK are unravelling at the seams, via the spectacle that has been Brexit, the ‘placement’ of their agenda oriented prime minister, and the selling off of the NHS to name a few key points. Australia has been on deliberate fire, the worst of any kind witnessed in our modern world, exposing the government’s perpetrated fraud against the people. Europe has been facing huge problems; the breaking down of economies (Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain, to name a few), being flooded with war refugees, and civil unrest (France are in ongoing mass civil protest, Spain are not far behind). Central and South America have been systematically broken down, see Cuba, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, and Chile (who are also currently in ongoing mass civil protest). So many countries in the African continent have suffered a similar fate that I won’t list their names. Multi-millionaires and billionaires abound, hoarding and controlling all resources and paying very little if anything in taxes, while the rest of the population suffer the consequences of this divide-and-conquer style of system.

You’re forgiven if in contemplating all of this you feel that there’s no way out, and that it’s better to put your head back in the sand and avoid focusing on it. Unfortunately though, the ‘ignorance is bliss’ attitude of slumber is how we got into this mess in the first place. Furthermore there IS a way out, or through, and it lies in our awareness…

Delving a little deeper we get into the solution, which can be summised neatly by this twist on an old proverb, “the only way out is within.” Simply put, the way out of this mess is to turn within and get to “know thyself.” How to go about this? When we take the time to sit still and be present (or even take a walking meditation, if you’re not someone who can sit for very long) for as little as 20 minutes a day, switching ourselves off from the world around, the distractions, and ALL of our devices, we will begin to see shift in our lives. This presence allows us to connect to the bigger part of ourselves, release our old programming, rediscover our source and the huge amount of power we actually have as master creators of reality. Ie reality isn’t just happening to us, that is the big lie we’ve been programmed to believe. Instead, we are master creators who have the ability to change reality!  If you’re feeling like a novice in all this, there are hundreds of different styles of meditation available to learn if you conduct a simple search. After many years of experience, I personally like and recommend hypnosis style meditations and brain entrainment. Take a look here, here, and on youtube. Whichever style you vibe with, the end goal is one and the same, stilling your mind for moments at a time to then be able to go beyond the mind and into the source field. It begins with a few seconds here and a few seconds there, but with practice we can still the mind for lengthy periods and then apply focused intention. This is where it really becomes fun, and where we have the ability to actually create reality!

Journeying deeper into the rabbit hole, once we’ve developed a regular practice of stilling the mind, we can begin to apply visualization and intention into what we would like to see manifest in our reality, and the more specific the better. For example, you may want to increase your income by a certain amount per month or year; to see improvement from a certain health problem; to attract a certain relationship into your life, or to see a particular change in your community, town or country. Use all of your senses to visualise your intention ALREADY HAVING HAPPENED, how it looks and feels, maybe even how it sounds or tastes. Then pay attention for synchronicities and results in your physical reality, because they WILL start to happen, and your world will ultimately start to look different. Importantly, most all of us also need subconscious healing and clearing work to accompany our manifestation practice, simply because we’ve come in with and also built up many subconscious programs that counteract and block what we’re trying to consciously create. Again there are a number of ways to go about this, among the best methods I recommend are Psych-K, Body Talk, and similar quantum therapies.

Expanding on these techniques for manifesting reality, we’ll now look at the extremely powerful group intention work. Intention groups are not a new concept, and (in particular those of a smaller size) have shown profound provable changes in both personal realities and that of the collective. Over the ages many ancient tribal groups, churches and spiritual organisations have practiced group prayer, ritual and intention, resulting in many a ‘miracle’ story within their groups and communities. But more recently, one person who has really explored harnessing the miraculous energies of a small group is best-selling author and lecturer Lynne McTaggart, considered the world’s number 1 authority on intention, spirituality and the new science. Her book The Power of 8 is a must read, and in my opinion it’s beyond time for this knowledge to spread to the masses! I myself am creating an intention group based on The Power of 8 principles, and I advocate as many people as possible doing the same!

This is how we will heal our lives, heal others, and completely shift the world we live in. Yes, it is possible for us to alchemically transmute the muck, mire and devastation happening in the present, and to change the way physical reality manifests. Furthermore, the universal energies are supercharged in support of this right now! With enough people (a critical mass) focusing our combined energies on creating a healed world reality, one based on universal love, we can witness this new reality take form very quickly, while the current decaying system ultimately falls away. Therein lies the opportunity, Neo. Are you ready to take the red pill, wake up and act on it?