Recipes For A Successful Body


Recipes For A Successful Body. To say the body is a machine that requires the right fuel is an understatement. The human body is the most powerful living computer there is and what we decide to put into our bodies has a remarkable effect on the output we will achieve. We can transform the way we look, feel and act by changing the type of physical and energetic food we eat. In this book I’ll focus on the physical food aspect, with a whole range of recipes that provide super nutrition and are balanced. There are recipes for meat eaters, vegans, and everything in-between.


Recipes For A Successful Body. To say the body is a machine that requires the right fuel is an understatement. The human body is the most powerful living computer there is and what we decide to put into our bodies has a remarkable effect on the output we will achieve. We can transform the way we look, feel and act by changing the type of physical and energetic food we eat. In Recipes For A Successful Body I’ll focus on the physical food aspect, with a whole range of recipes that provide super nutrition and are balanced. There are recipes for meat eaters, vegans, and everything in-between.

One of the really important truths I’ve learned over the years is that the body loves variety. Too much of exactly the same thing can aggravate the system and create imbalances or deficiencies. So try to avoid groundhog day by adding ingredients to the mix and changing up your meals. Another truth that I really can’t emphasize enough is that no two bodies are exactly alike, therefore despite what a great number of diet and lifestyle promoters like to suggest, there is no ‘one diet works for all’ or ‘one lifestyle plan fits all’. Developing an understanding of how your body works and learning what foods and supplements it wants or doesn’t want is paramount to getting and/or staying optimally healthy.


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