The Power Of Nature

The Power Of Nature

The age old adage “spending time in nature is important for your health” could not be more true, especially in the current age of technology and the internet. Scientific evidence continues to reconfirm what has long been concluded by anyone with common sense and a hint of wisdom, that nature is healing. Read this, and This, and This.

Spending time in nature offers so many health benefits, physical, mental and emotional. On the physical spectrum alone, this simple practice reduces the risk of type II diabetes, respiratory tract and cardiovascular disease, cancer, high blood pressure and premature death, while also boosting the immune system and lowering cortisol and inflammation. Viewing natural scenery has even shown increased recovery rates in hospital patients. Mentally and emotionally, being in nature helps with seasonal depression, improves vitality and mood, and benefits issues of mental well being such as anxiety, mental fatigue and attention capacity. Essentially, it’s like you’re getting a happiness or peace injection! But amidst all of these benefits is the most important one, Reducing Stress. Excess stress is the number one cause of illness in the body, be it in the emotional/mental, physical or environmental form. Emotional/mental stress is self explanatory. Excess physical stress results from over exertion of the body, injury, surgery, deep dental work, anesthesia, vaccines and pharmaceuticals; while environmental stress is everything from chemtrails to fluoride and heavy metal laden public water supply, to genetically modified and toxically sprayed food crops, processed food and drinks, fuel and emissions, toxins in personal care and household products, and EMF radiation. Each of these factors place excess stress on the body, which in turn weakens the immune system, ultimately leading to imbalance and illness.

How does nature counteract some of this stress? Firstly, when you immerse yourself in nature that is disconnected from the technology and infrastructure of modern society, you automatically remove a number of the environmental toxins associated with these. Secondly, Mother Nature helps rebalance pre-existing stress in the body, via the powerful negative ions she emits. Don’t go by the name, negative ions are beneficial to the human body, while positive ions are harmful. Ions are invisible charged particles in the air, either molecules or atoms, which carry an electric charge. Positive ions are molecules that have lost one or more electrons, while negative ions are oxygen atoms with extra negatively charged electrons. It is scientifically proven that negative ions contribute to overall well-being and health by neutralizing free radicals, revitalizing cell metabolism, enhancing immune function, purifying the blood and balancing the autonomic nervous system. Also Read This.

While immersion in nature is the ultimate tonic, if that isn’t a possibility on a very regular basis, even bringing a little nature into our modern lives has benefits. If you live near a beach, forest or nature area, obviously spend as much time there as you can. Walk on the earth bare foot where possible, as this is the most direct way to charge your body with earth negative ions. For everyone else, find a local park you can walk barefoot and sit at, and if you have a backyard containing greenery, use it! At the very least, purchase some indoor plants for your home that emit negative ions, see Best Indoor Plants. Beyond that, here are some tools that help us in this modern age where many live in cities and away from nature, and where EMF radiation from technology and WiFi is a very real threat to our health.. Vibes Up, Earth Calm, and Shungite. Remember however that none of these are 100%, so go ahead and make the adjustment to your life, that you can spend some more time in nature and away from technology!

Within this piece I’ve offered a few scientific articles to support what I’m saying, but for those of you science-heads who want more, just research the topic and you’ll find a plethora. However here’s a suggestion, experiment with how you Feel after spending time immersed in a nature activity, vs after a day in the city, at work in an office, or on technology and WiFi. Nothing shows more real and tangible results than our own experience, when we tune in and listen to our bodies. Like it or not, we’re currently living in a technology and internet/WiFi driven society, causing a myriad of physical and emotional problems which I’ve covered in previous articles. There is no better way to combat that than spending time in and being with nature. So for the sake of your health, get off your computers, tablets and phones for a moment and get out there to the beach, lake, forest, or even the local park, you’ll feel the difference and your body will thank you for it!