Thought Mastery

Thought Mastery


“Thought creates reality”

You’ve probably heard this term before, yes? But what does it really mean and how does it apply to our lives or affect our world? Before I go further, I will elaborate:

“Thought charged with feeling creates reality” 

Human beings think thousands of thoughts a day. Imagine the mess if every thought, conscious or unconscious, that whisked through our brains came to fruition in reality?! Luckily for us, there’s a veil of protection in place that keeps that from happening. However, every piece of our collective reality has at one time been a thought in someone’s consciousness. Have you noticed that the people who tend to bring powerful creations into physical reality generally have a few things in common? Most notably, highly charged imaginations and an ability to focus their thoughts in a certain direction. Coupled with strong beliefs (that stem from feelings) in their abilities to create the reality that they desire and focus on.

It is highly important to start becoming aware that the thoughts we give consistent emotional energy to, whether we’re conscious of them or not, are the ones that shape our reality. The dramas that keep playing out in our heads are the ones that we will surely experience in our lives. Where attention goes, energy flows and results follow. And with the present energy shifts on our planet, the manifestation of thought into reality is becoming exponentially faster.. Get ready to harness these gifts!! 

You might ask “Why haven’t thoughts or ideas that I’ve given a lot of emotional energy to in the past come to fruition?” Well.. three possible answers. One: The energies on our planet for thousands of years have not supported instant or high speed thought manifestation, for reasons that require a whole other story to share. Two: There is an additional layer to understanding  thought manifestation, that being the soul’s path. If thoughts or ideas that you want to manifest are not in alignment with your soul’s path, then try as hard as you might, they will not manifest. In the chance that they do, the manifestation will not be lasting or fulfilling and can come with a painful end. A book I found years ago that best describes this scenario is: “The Invisible Path To Success” by Bob Schienfeld. See:

Three: There are subconscious blocks in place preventing you from having the desired thought/idea manifestations. These blocks can be past or present life rooted, and stem from experiences that cause varying levels of trauma in the energy body. They are evident with most all people, and the clearing of blocks can sometimes result in dramatic and very rapid life changes. How does one clear these blocks? I’ve discovered some very effective ways, a couple of which I am a practitioner in and also use with my clients; EFT, Access Bars, Theta Healing, Avesa Quantum Healing, NLP,  The Emotion Code, the powerful work of Judy Satori, and the work of my wonderful friend Georgia Jean/Circle Evolution. The important thing to note is that there is no ‘overnight fix’, even though miracles can and do happen within the process. Instead see it as a journey to embark on, and with each step you become more powerful, more whole. 

Upon understanding these ideas, you can undertake the task of Thought Mastery. Left to run wild, our minds are maniacs and can create all kinds of havoc in our lives. This is where training comes in, and that means disciplining yourself into having a daily practice. A well trained mind is a master of reality, but that certainly doesn’t happen overnight!! Dedication, dedication, dedication. If you’re one of those super busy people that feels overwhelmed with life, start with 5 minutes in the morning and 5 at night. Even that tells your consciousness you’re beginning. There are so many different means and methods to meditate and focus the mind, that I’ll avoid overwhelm and share just one simple process, focused on conscious manifestation.

  1. Sit or lie in a comfortable position, relaxing your mind, body, and soul.
  2. Take a few deep centered breaths and get comfortable in your stillness. 
  3. Allow a wave of white light positive energy to engulf your being. Open the spiritual mind and feel your connection to ALL.
  4. Visualize one thought/idea you want to make manifest in reality. Picture that thought/idea as a little movie, as if it is ALREADY a reality.
  5. Imagine yourself as you would feel when this reality exists, ie extremely happy, satisfied, fulfilled, excited. Feel those feelings fully! 
  6. Speak the words and vocalize how you achieved your vision. 
  7. Believe you already conquered your goal with all your heart.
  8. Allow yourself to feel complete gratitude to the Universe for delivering your manifestation.
  9. Say out loud three times “With the power of God that I am, I (create/command/manifest) … (fill in with your manifestation).”
  10. Say also out loud “And so it is, and so it is, and so it is. Amen”

To some of you who don’t believe in a ‘God’ as such, the ending might feel too weird for you to say. In this case you can omit the last two steps, but keep in mind that it’s not entirely random certain words were created to hold certain meaning within creation. There are Universal sounds and language that emit great power, and they amplify your manifestations 100 fold. Sometimes it’s just about letting go of the connotation.  

Once you’re on path with your daily discipline, focusing your thoughts and desires, know that resistance will come up, sometimes very strong resistance! This obeys a Universal law. Do not fight, instead embrace and thank the resistance whenever it shows up, then release it and keep walking your path. Begin taking moments throughout the day to consciously direct your thoughts. This is as easy as one minute remembering something you want to manifest or create, focusing your thoughts and happy feelings on that creation as if it already happened. A super powerful tool that keeps the energy alive on your goal. 

Another level in thought mastery and manifestation is within group work. When a group of people come together in focused thought, feeling and prayer toward a specific goal or vision, mountains can be moved. When enough human beings master that ability is when we will change the entire face of reality.

Love, light and infinite blessings on the journey!